Application Directions

Pre-Application Dose Determination: For algae treatments, applicators should conduct initial dose determination tests simulating a full-scale treatment program to determine the minimum efcacious concentrations for eliminating the target species, unless an effective dose is already known for the given target pest population.

Maximum Annual Application Rates for Aquatic Uses in Impounded Waters, Ponds, Lakes and Reservoirs:

Maximum annual application rate of 21.9 lbs. of metallic copper per acre-foot (8 applications per year at up to 1 ppm). This rate/frequency is calculated based on staggering the treatment of each half of the water body every 14 days (at a rate of 2.74 lbs. metallic copper per acre-foot = 1 ppm) for eight months (244 days). In situations where rapidly reproducing toxic algal species pose a public health threat to drinking or recreational water resources, applicators must receive authorization from applicable state, local or tribal water resources authorities to apply copper in excess of 21.9 lbs. of metallic copper per acre-foot (8 applications per year at up to 1 ppm).

For Large Bodies of Water Separated Into Sections (Water Management Units):

Maximum annual application rate of 46.6 lbs. of metallic copper per acre-foot per year (17 applications per year at up to 1 ppm). This rate/frequency is calculated based on the maximum number of possible applications allowed based on a 14-day minimum (at a rate of 2.74 lbs. metallic copper per acrefoot = 1 ppm) retreatment interval for eight months (244 days). Do not apply more than 46.6 lbs. of metallic copper to a water management unit, regardless of the pest(s) targeted by applications. In situations where rapidly reproducing toxic algal species pose a public health threat to drinking or recreational water resources, applicators must receive authorization from applicable state, local or tribal water resources authorities to apply copper in excess of 46.6 lbs. of metallic copper per acre-foot per year for a single water management unit.

For Algae and Bacteria* Control in Impounded Waters, Lakes, Ponds, Reservoirs and Canals for Irrigation and Chemigation Systems:

Apply Agri-Life® for 3 acres or less by pouring directly into ponds, small lakes or reservoirs. Agri-Life® application for 3 acres or more should be applied at several points into ponds, lakes or reservoirs. Larger bodies of water can be treated through metering pump, dragging a feeder hose behind a boat across a body of water or dispensing via conventional spray equipment mounted to a boat, helicopter or airplane onto the surface. Agri-Life® will quickly

diffuse throughout the water body in several hours, broad distribution will speed dispersal. No more than ½ of the body of water may be treated in a single application. For small ponds or for spot treatments around shoreline, such as on private piers and docks, apply Agri-Life® by directly pouring 2 fluid ounces per 125 cubic feet (¼ tsp or .0002 lbs. per 20 gallons) of water for 1 ppm of copper into the water around half of the perimeter of the body of water or at the spot to be treated. When applying from boat, use minimal speed to allow the prop wash to disperse and mix the product into the treated waters. Dispense up to 5.5 gallons or 2.72 lbs. per acre-foot of water (see use rate chart below). Apply in late spring or early summer when algae/bacteria* first appear. For best results, disperse Agri-Life® evenly to warm, still water on a sunny day when algae are near the surface. Several application points speed up dispersal.

For irrigation systems via slug delivery, maximum annual application rate is 13 lbs. metallic copper (26.26 gals. of Agri-Life®) per year per 5 miles of conveyance. Apply copper into irrigation conveyance system or lateral at up to a maximum rate of 0.5 lbs. metallic copper (1.0 gals. of Agri-Life®) per cubic foot per second of water per 5 to 30-mile treatment depending on water hardness, alkalinity and algae concentration. This method may only be used in constructed irrigation conveyance systems, laterals and aqueducts.

Use rates vary, depending on algae/bacteria* species, water hardness, water temperature and amount of algae/bacteria* present; as well as whether water is clear, turbid, flowing or static. Preferably, the water should be clear with temperatures above 60ºF (15.6º C). Higher dosages are required at lower water temperatures, higher algae/bacteria* concentrations and for hard waters. Static water requires less chemical for algae/bacteria* control than does flowing water. Use higher dosages for chara, nitella and lamentous algae (pond scum) and lower dosages for planktonic algae. If there is uncertainty about the dosage, begin with a lower dose and increase until control is achieved or until the maximum allowable level has been reached (see the use rate chart below).

*Non-public health bacteria

Use Rates

Gallons of Product per acre/ft (lb. Cu2+/Acre Foot)Equivalent Metallic Copper (ppm)
(.16 lbs.)
(.25 lbs.)
(1.63 lbs.)
5.50 gals.
(2.72 lbs.)

Useful formulas for calculating water volume and flow rates:

To find the capacity of water storage containment in gallons: Multiply the water volume in cubic feet times 7.5.

Note: 1 Cubic Foot per Second of Flow = 27,000 gallons per hour
1 Acre Foot = 326,000 gallons

Control of Algae/Bacteria* in Livestock Watering Ponds, Tanks and Troughs and Drip Systems in Livestock Watering Tanks:

Stock watering ponds, tanks and troughs:

For the control of algae/bacteria* in stock water ponds, tanks and troughs, add ¼ tsp. or .0002 lbs. of Agri-Life® to 30 gallons of water for a final ppm of 0.7 ppm. Do not exceed 1 ppm ( ¼ tsp. or .0002 lbs. per 20 gallons). Apply by boat or from side of pond at equal intervals or directly to tanks or troughs.

For drip-system use in livestock watering tanks:

Tanks fed by a continuous flow of spring or well water may be equipped with a chemical drip-system designed to meter-in Agri-Life® based upon water flow rates. Systems should be adjusted to maintain a concentration of 0.7 ppm copper in incoming stock water (0.15 fl. oz. of product per minute to a water flow of 100 gallons per minute). Treat continuously or as needed to control and prevent algae re-growth.

In Non-Sprinkler, Non-Drip Irrigation Conveyance Systems and Chemigation Systems, Ditches, Canals and Similar Open Irrigation Conveyances:

For continuous addition, add 2 fl. oz. per hour of Agri-Life® for each 1,000 gallons of water per hour. For conveyance systems longer than 30 miles, dispense this rate among injection points every 30 miles. Do not exceed the total dosage of 1 Gallon Agri-Life® in 60,000 gallons of water (1 ppm metallic copper).

When using the slug application method, the maximum annual application rate of 13 lbs. metallic copper (26.26 gals. of Agri-Life®) per year per 5 miles of conveyance. Apply copper into irrigation conveyance system or lateral at up to a maximum rate of 0.5 lbs. metallic copper (1.0 gals of Agri-Life®) per cubic foot per second of water per 5 to 30-mile treatment depending on water hardness, alkalinity and algae concentration. This application method may only be used in constructed irrigation conveyance systems, laterals and aqueducts.

To Control Algae or Bacteria* in Sprinkler, Drip or Other Types of Closed Irrigation Equipment:

Use 1 pint of Agri-Life® per 7,500 to 300,000 gallons of water. Agitation is not required. Do not mix with basic substances.

Agri-Life® must be applied continuously for the duration of the water application.


Chemigation and Irrigation Flow Rates

(0.06 ppm Cu2+)

Water Flow Rate gallons per minute (gpm) per acre/ft.Water Flow Rate cubic feet per minute (cfm)Dosage Rate ppm Metallic Cu2+Agri-Life® fl. oz./minFeeder Pump Setting Agri-Life® mL/min

Chemigation and Irrigation Flow Rates

(1.0 ppm Cu2+ )

Water Flow Rate gallons per minute (gpm) per acre/ft.Water Flow Rate cubic feet per minute (cfm)Dosage Rate ppm Metallic Cu2+Agri-Life® fl. oz./minFeeder Pump Setting Agri-Life® mL/min