
Crop and Maximum Annual Rate of Product in Gallons per Acre (lbs. Metallic Copper) | Disease | Rate/A fl. oz. (lbs. Cu2+/A) | Minimum Treatment Interval (Days) | Directions |
Atemoya, Sugar Apple (Annona) 25.45 gals. (12.6 lbs.) | Anthracnose | 25.6 to 38.4 (.10 to .149) | 7 | Make initial application just before flowering and repeat on a weekly schedule until just before harvest. Minimum retreatment interval is seven days. Apply in sufficient water for thorough coverage. Use the higher rates for severe disease. |
Carambola (Star Fruit) 21.21 gals. (10.5 lbs.) | Anthracnose | 38.4 to 64 (.149 to .248) | 7 | Make initial application before flowering and repeat on a weekly schedule until just before harvest. Minimum retreatment interval is seven days. Apply in sufficient water for thorough coverage. Use the higher rates for severe disease. |
Chives 5.35 gals. (2.65 lbs.) | Downy mildew | 19.2 (.074) | 7 | Begin application when plants are established in the field. Repeat every 7 to 10 days depending on disease conditions. |
Coriander (Cilantro) 5.35 gals. (2.65 lbs.) | Bacterial leaf spot, powdery mildew | 8.48 (.033) | 10 | Begin applications when conditions first favor disease development and repeat at 10 to 14 day intervals |
Dill 7.97 gals. (3.95 lbs.) | Phoma leaf spot, Rhizoctonia foliage blight | 19.2 to 25.6 (.074 to .10) | 7 | Begin application when plants are first established in the field and repeat at 7 to 10 day intervals depending on disease severity and environmental conditions. Use the higher rates for severe disease. |
Ginseng 10.61 gals. (5.25 lbs.) | Alternaria leaf blight, Damping off, fusarium wilt, Phytophthora blight, stem blight | 16.8 (.065) | 7 | Begin application when plants are first established in the field and repeat at 7 to 10 day intervals depending on disease severity and environmental conditions. |
Guava 9.93 gals. (4.92 lbs.) | Anthracnose, red algae | 25.6 to 38.4 (.10 to .149) | 7 | Make initial application just before flowering and repeat on a weekly schedule until just before harvest. Minimum retreatment interval is seven days. Apply in sufficient water for thorough coverage. Use the higher rates for severe disease. |
Litchi 9.93 gals. (4.92 lbs.) | Anthracnose | 25.6 to 38.4 (.10 to .149) | 7 | Make initial application just before flowering and repeat on a weekly schedule until just before harvest. Minimum retreatment interval is seven days. Use the higher rates for severe disease. |
Macadamia 19.06 gals. (9.44 lbs.) | Anthracnose | 38.0 to 64 (.149 to .248) | 7 | Initiate sprays at first sign of flowering and repeat on a weekly schedule until just before harvest. Minimum retreatment interval is seven days. Apply in sufficient water for thorough coverage. Use the higher rates for severe disease. |
Phytophthora blight (P. capsici), raceme blight (botrytis cinerea) | 38.4 to 64 (.149 to .248) | 7 | Apply during Raceme development and bloom periods. Apply in sufficient water for thorough coverage. Use the higher rates when conditions favor disease. | |
Mamey Sapote 16.96 gals. (8.4 lbs.) | Algal leaf spot, anthracnose | 38.4 to 64 (.149 to .248) | 14 | Apply when conditions favor disease development. Repeat on a 14 to 30 day schedule as disease severity and environmental conditions dictate. Use the higher rates when conditions favor disease. |
Mint 5.35 gals. (2.65 lbs.) | Alternaria leaf spot, anthracnose, fusarium wilt, powdery mildew, rust, verticillium wilt | 8.48 (.033) | 10 | Begin applications when conditions first favor disease development and repeat at 10 to 14 day intervals. |
Papaya 42.82 gals. (21.2 lbs.) | Anthracnose | 26 to 52 (.101 to .201) | 7 | Apply before disease appears. Repeat at 10 to 14 day intervals under light disease pressure. Shorten spray intervals to 7 days under heavy disease pressure. Addition of a spreader is desirable. Use the higher specified rates when disease is severe. |
Parsley 4.04 gals. (2 lbs.) | Alternaria and bacterial leaf spot, bacterial blight Pseudomonas sp., crown and root rot, downy mildew, Powdery mildew, fusarium root rot, gray mold, leaf spot, Septoria leaf spot | 16 (.062) | 10 | Begin applications when conditions first favor disease development and repeat at 10 to 14 day intervals. |
Rosemary 5.35 gals. (2.65 lbs.) | Botrytis blight, powdery mildew, root rot | 8.48 (.033) | 10 | Begin applications when conditions first favor disease development and repeat at 10 to 14 day intervals. |
Tobacco 8.08 gals. (4 lbs.) | Angular leaf spot, brown spot/red rust (Alternaria longipes), Gray mold (botrytis cinerea), downy mildew (Peronospora tobacina), powdery mildew, frogeye (Cercospora nicitianae), fusarium wilt, leaf spot (Ascochyta nicitianae) Southern blight, verticillium wilt, wildfire | 32 (.124) | 10 | Make initial application just before flowering and repeat 10 to 14 day intervals until just before harvest. Apply in sufficient water for thorough coverage. |